Pauline Betteridge

With a background in physiotherapy Pauline was an International Classifier and Chief Classifier for many years, responsible for classifier training worldwide in Para Archery, with the International Paralympic Committee until 2009.

Pauline Betteridge portrait


From 2009 until 2012 Pauline continued as an International Classifier and Head of Classification.

When World Archery became responsible for Archery Classifications, Pauline set up the training programme for archery classifiers, continuing as an International classifier until 2017.

For many years Pauline was the only International Classifier in Great Britain.

Pauline has also been Chairman of British Wheelchair Archery Association and a member of WheelPower’s Sports Management Committee for a number of years and her knowledge of Paralympic sport at all levels from rehabilitation to elite enables her to advise the Board on sporting matters.

Pauline’s knowledge of spinal cord injury both as a physiotherapist doing acute rehabilitation and her involvement with the Pinderfields Sports Club in Wakefield supports WheelPower’s spinal programme to encourage newly paralysed men and women to lead healthy, active lives.

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