England Golf
England Golf have been working with golf facilities across the country to make them more inclusive of disabled people. These facilities will run a range of activity to get into golf, return to golf or play golf and you are welcome to sign up and attend the most appropriate session for you.
There are 1800 golf clubs and 400 ranges and short courses so there will be somewhere local that you can attend.
You can play as a club member, with friends as part of a society or with other disabled players in disability events. The unique handicapping system allows players or all golfing abilities, regarding of their disability to participate and compete against each other.
Who can play?
All impairments are welcome in golf and there are impairment specific golf organisations within England who host competitions. The only classification requirements are for participants competing at international level.
If you have a spinal cord injury you may require an adapted buggy in order to get out and play or practice. The Handigolf Foundation have some of these available to rent and purchase as well as being run by current wheelchair golfers who can provide any advice.
Visit the Handigolf Foundation website
A set of golf clubs can be borrowed from the golf facility or you can purchase a second hand set for a low price to get you started.
To get started:
Search for your local inclusive facility or find your local facility and find out what activity they have running for new players.
Visit the England Golf website
Visit the Handigolf Foundation website
Terry Kirby is a physically impaired golfer who plays from a seated position. Find out why he loves the game of golf and why you should take up the game too.